The average house price on APPLE TREE WALK is £194,160
The most expensive house in the street is 7 APPLE TREE WALK with an estimated value of £234,856
The cheapest house in the street is 16 APPLE TREE WALK with an estimated value of £163,140
The house which was most recently sold was 11 APPLE TREE WALK, this sold on 26 Sep 2023 for £175,000
The postcode for APPLE TREE WALK is LS25 7SD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
5 APPLE TREE WALK Terraced , 73 m2 £233,076 £131,000 10 Mar 2006
7 APPLE TREE WALK Terraced £234,856 £124,000 10 Jan 2005
9 APPLE TREE WALK Terraced , 59 m2 £174,174 £140,500 16 Aug 2019
11 APPLE TREE WALK Terraced £178,945 £175,000 26 Sep 2023
14 APPLE TREE WALK Terraced , 60 m2 £232,909 £119,995 6 Aug 2004
16 APPLE TREE WALK Terraced , 61 m2 £163,140 £123,500 22 Dec 2016
16 APPLE TREE WALK Terraced , 61 m2 £163,140 £135,000 22 Dec 2016
18 APPLE TREE WALK Terraced , 61 m2 £173,047 £140,000 20 Sep 2019